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Historical Fiction / Church History / Out of the Mouth of the Lion

Emma Leslie Church History Series

Out of the Mouth of the Lion
Out of the Mouth
of the Lion

Or, The Church in the Catacombs

by Emma Leslie

Illustrated by Gunston

Read the First Chapter!
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Story Synopsis

   When Flaminius, a high Roman official, takes his wife, Flavia, to the Colosseum to see Christians thrown to the lions, he has no idea the effect it will have. Flavia cannot forget the faith of the martyrs, and finally, to protect her from complete disgrace or even danger, Flaminius requests a transfer to a more remote government post. As he and his family travel to the seven cities of Asia Minor mentioned in Revelation, he sees the various responses of the churches to persecution. His attitude toward the despised Christians begins to change, but does he dare forsake the gods of Rome and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ?

Story Setting:  Asia Minor in 163 - 166 A.D.
Notable People and Events:  Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Melito, Polycarp's Martyrdom
Originally published in 1875; 265 pages; For Ages 12 – Adult

Save 15% when you purchase this book as part of the 6-Book Early Church Set

Save 25% when you purchase this book as part of the 12-Book Church History Set

   "[Out of the Mouth of the Lion] would be an excellent addition to any home school library, but particularly for a Christian home school library..."  ~  Donna Campos, Senior Product Reviewer, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine  Read the full review

   "I found [Out of the Mouth of the Lion] to be a fascinating and intense story, as did the boys. It was very powerful to read of the faith of the characters as they remained true to the Lord, in spite of the threats and persecution of Christians." ~ Dianne, mother of two teenage boys

   "[Out of the Mouth of the Lion] is so convicting. The early Christians were so devoted, steadfast, and faithful.... Read the first chapter of Out of the Mouth of the Lion! I guarantee you will want to read more... you will want to buy not only this book but all the books by Emma Leslie." ~ Debbie, Delaware

   "Through this historical fiction we have learned a lot about how the early church was treated and the conviction it must have taken for these believers to hold fast and plant the seeds of our modern faith. The writing was engaging and hard to put down. I am looking forward to reading more from this series." ~ Julie H.

   "[Out of the Mouth of the Lion] is an exciting story by itself, but the early church history taught as this family travels to the seven cities mentioned in Revelation makes it a fascinating method of learning too. This is not a difficult read, but historical notes and definitions of unfamiliar words makes it even more understandable for modern readers. Reading about these early church martyrs will inspire you. I highly recommend this book for the teens and adults in your family."  ~  Sheryl Hurlin, Home School Enrichment Magazine

Emma Leslie (1837-1909), whose actual name was Emma Dixon, was a prolific Victorian children’s author who wrote over 100 books. Emma Leslie brought a strong Christian emphasis into her writing and many of her books were originally published by the Religious Tract Society.

Also by Emma Leslie:

Junior Church History Series
For Merrie England
Hilda the Briton
The Magic Runes
Soldier Fritz
Through Stress and Strain

Church History Series
Before the Dawn
The Captives
Dearer Than Life
Elfreda the Saxon
Faithful, But Not Famous
From Bondage to Freedom
Glaucia the Greek Slave
Gytha's Message
Leofwine the Monk
The Martyr's Victory
Sowing Beside All Waters

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