How we choose our books
Here at Salem Ridge Press we know how challenging it can sometimes be to find wholesome books for your family. Well-written books that teach godly character and high moral values are hard to come by. Many books written during the late 1800's and early 1900's fit this criteria, but it still takes time to search them out and preview their contents. We purchase many old books, often using leads from old catalogs, and carefully evaluate each one, republishing only the best of the best.
Our Standards
I feel very responsible for the content of books that we republish and if I am going to bring a book back into print, I want to be able to stand behind it with no reservations. Very early on we realized that we were going to have to decide carefully what was appropriate in our books and what was not. I sometimes joke that our number one rule is, "No Kissing!" While many books from the 1800's and early 1900's are no problem at all this way, in several cases we have slightly edited passages which included a brief kiss or embrace. We want to be an encouragement to young people to maintain the highest standards of purity in their relationships. We have also edited out some derogatory comments that we felt were unnecessary or offensive. On several occasions the illustrations have presented a challenge and so we edited them to keep things modest and appropriate. Most of the changes that we make are very minor but I think they go a long way towards upholding our standard which is found in the Bible: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8)."
Our Quality
Once a book makes it through our review process, it is completely re-typeset for maximum readability. Many of our titles also feature added content not found in the original book such as word definitions, historical notes, maps and timelines. Our books are printed on acid free, archival quality paper, in a high quality softcover or hardcover binding. I believe that when we start with wholesome, exciting, well-written books, carefully prepare and review the contents, and ensure high quality construction, we are able to offer some of the absolutely best books that are available today.
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What other homeschoolers are saying about us
"I cant recommend Salem Ridge Press enough. If you care about the morals of the books your family reads, if you enjoy good literature, if you like old-fashioned values and learning about life in other times, you will love the books from Salem Ridge Press." Cindy H., mom to three boys
"What we read DOES matter and these books are topnotch." Kimberly K., homeschool mother in South Carolina
"I am excited to have been introduced to this publisher. Mr. Daniel Mills takes great care in choosing the books that he reprints and this care shows! I can't wait to read more of these long-lost gems." Carie S., Illinois
"With Salem Ridge Press, you can judge a book by its cover! Not only are the covers wholesome, but the inside too! ... Under the watchful eye of Daniel Mills, I would not hesitate to hand over any book published by this company to my children." Heidi P., homeschool mom
"Salem Ridge Press is a refreshing company that provides a wonderful service to those who are looking for some wholesome, historical, classical and quality literature for their children or even for themselves! " Beth C., mom to 6
"[Daniel] 'strongly believes that what we read matters' ... As someone who took in WAY too many not-God-glorifying stories as a child and teen, I wholeheartedly concur, and that's another reason these books by Salem Ridge Press appeal to me so much." Amy A., mom to four from Florida
"I'd love to read more books just like this and am thrilled to know Salem Press is out there hunting them down." Misty K., mother of seven
"With such a voracious 10-year-old reader, it is hard for the Daddy and me to preview every book that comes along, so we are in love with these books because we know we can trust them!" Danielle H., homeschool mother of six
"If you're in the market for quality, wholesome, 'pure' literature without all the 'fluff', then I highly recommend you check out Salem Ridge Press. I give them 2 thumbs up!" - Denise
"I love, love, love this company!!" Chris G. from Texas