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Historical Fiction / Church History / Medieval Church Set

Emma Leslie Church History Series

Medieval Church Set

6-Book Medieval Church Set - Save 15%

(That's like getting one book free!)

Includes such notable events as the Crusades, the signing of the Magna Charta, and the first attempts at a Reformation in France, and such notable people as William the Conqueror, Wycliffe, and Huss.

Softcover Retail Price: $85.70  Set Price $72.75  (Save $12.95)
Hardcover Retail Price: $145.70  Set Price $122.75  (Save $22.95)

Set Includes:

Gytha's Message: A Tale of Saxon England

Leofwine the Monk: Or, The Curse of the Ericsons

Elfreda the Saxon: Or, The Orphan of Jerusalem, A Sequel to Leofwine

Dearer Than Life: A Story of the Times of Wycliffe

Before the Dawn: A Tale of Wycliffe and Huss

Faithful But Not Famous: A Tale of the French Reformation

Emma Leslie (1837-1909), whose actual name was Emma Dixon, was a prolific Victorian children's author who wrote well over 100 books. Emma Leslie brought a strong Christian emphasis into her writing and many of her books were originally published by the Religious Tract Society.

Also by Emma Leslie:

Church History Series
6-Book Early Church Set - Save 15%
6-Book Reformation Church Set - Titles in Progress
12-Book Church History Set - Save 25%

Junior Church History Series
5-Book Junior Church History Set - Save 15%

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