"[My son] devoured Soldier Fritz because he loves history and the story plot drew him in.... I finally managed to sneak that book away from him so I could read it!! I was amazed with the quality of the book!"
Joy S., Ohio
"Let me tell you what I love about Salem Ridge Press... I love what it stand for... I love that we can read these books without worrying about something offensive... I love the languange and vocabulary..."
Melanie Y., Homeschooling mom of 4
" [Young Robin Hood] is a cute story for younger readers... It also encourages the traits of kindness, hospitality and forgiveness. What wonderful morals to instill in our kids! "
Amy, mother of two boys
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January 2011 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
If you have ever visited the "About Our Books" section of our website, you may have read about our "No Kissing!" rule. (If you haven't read it, you can find it here.) When people read that, they seem to have one of two responses: "That's great!" or "That's weird!"
Whichever response you have, I want to take a minute and share with you some of our thoughts on romance in the books that we choose to republish.
First off, let me say that we are not anti-romance and we are certainly not anti-kissing after marriage! That said, male/female interaction is an important area that we evaluate when choosing which books to republish. It has been my observation that there are two basic ways in which authors approach romance: either the man is seeking to defend and protect the honor of the woman as he wins her heart, or he is seeking to take advantage of her. As Christians, we believe that the former scenario fits the Biblical model and that the latter definitely does not! While this may seem obvious, I have read books where even a young lady's desire to be taken advantage of was presented in a positive light.
One famous illustration of this is found in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen where Lydia happily runs away with Mr. Wickham. In this story though, Wickham's actions are clearly contrasted with the way in which Mr. Darcy, at great cost to himself, expends his time and energy to preserve the honor of Elizabeth and her family.
For better or worse, the worldview of children and young adults regarding romantic relationships will be shaped by the stories that they read. I am very excited to be republishing our newest title, A Sea-Queen's Sailing, because in addition to being an exciting historical story, it is also presents a wonderful romance of the best possible type.
God bless,
Daniel Mills, Publisher
Salem Ridge Press LLC
P.S. Don't miss the opportunity to save 15-25% during our Greece & Rome Sale! Also, there is still time to pre-order A Sea-Queen's Sailing and save 10%. See below for more details.
Save 15-25% during our Greece & Rome Sale
Is your family studying Greece and Rome this winter? Bring your studies alive with high-quality historical fiction with a Christian worldview! Salem Ridge Press has republished six titles set in Ancient Greece and Rome and for 3 Days Only Save 15% on any of the individual titles or Save 25% on the 6-Book Greece & Rome Collection!
Sale ends at midnight on Saturday, January 8, 2011
Click here to shop now
Our Newest Release!
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A Sea-Queen's Sailing
Early one summer morning in 935 A.D., Malcolm the Jarl’s home in northern Scotland is attacked by Viking raiders led by Heidrek the Seafarer. Struck down during the brief battle that follows, Malcolm is taken captive and imprisoned on what was once his own ship. Refusing to join the murderous Vikings, he manages to escape with two of the other prisoners, only to end up lost at sea. Through a strange series of events, the three young men come upon the young queen, Gerda, who is alone and desperately in need of help. Together, the three friends, Scottish jarl, Irish prince and English thane, pledge themselves to protect Gerda and seek to restore her kingdom which has been usurped by her evil uncle Arnkel. But first they must escape from Heidrek who is pursuing them across the northern seas. Adventure and danger abound in this exciting tale of brave manly men fighting to uphold the honor of a woman.
Pre-order pricing ends at midnight on Friday, January 14, 2011
Click here to Pre-order and Save 10%
"New Release" Winners
As we republish each new title, we select one family who receives our newsletter to receive a free copy. Here are the winners for our two newest releases:
Your family could be a winner too and be one of the first to read a book that has been out of print for nearly a century or sometimes longer!
Salem Ridge Press books are now available
Vision Forum now offers six hardcover titles from our Emma Leslie Church History Series as their "Christians Courageous!" Adventure Series. They also carry the clothbound edition of George Alfred Henty: The Story of an Active Life.
From their
website: "There is only one perfect book — the Bible. Nevertheless, we believe the books offered by The Vision Forum represent some of the most helpful tools on the market today which address critical issues concerning family renewal, child discipleship, and Biblical patriarchy; godly education; Christ-centered apologetics; righteous government; and the providential hand of God in history. These are real books for families of vision. In short, this is the library we recommend to any family hoping to build a Christian worldview for its children."
We would love to hear from you, our readers! Our desire is to serve
the Lord by being a blessing to other families and we would appreciate hearing any feedback you have, either about this
newsletter or about any of our books. Simply reply to this e-mail or Contact Us.
© 2011 Salem Ridge Press LLC