Story Synopsis
On Christmas Eve, eight-year-old Kitty cannot sleep, knowing that her beloved little brother is critically ill due to her own disobedience. Traveling in a dream to Naughty Children Land, she meets many strange people, including Daddy Coax and Lady Love. Kitty longs to return to the Path of Obedience but can she resist the many temptations she faces? Will she find her way home in time for Christmas? An imaginative and delightful read-aloud for the whole family!
Originally published in 1887; 257 pages; All Ages
Alice Corkran ( ? -1916), wrote several books for children in the late 1800's.
Gordon Browne (1858-1932), illustrated many children's books and his artwork appeared in magazines and newspapers as well. He attended Heatherley's School of Art in London, England, and was recognized for his work by the Royal Institute.
"My boys (6yo and 4yo) loved this book! The silence as I am reading has been precious! They were so taken by Kitty and her struggle with being naughty. It is definitely a subject that any child can relate to! They were begging for more after each chapter, wondering what will happen to Kitty's sick little brother Johnnie (who happens to be the same age as my oldest). This book is written in a very age appropriate way for young readers but will definitely be enjoyed by people of all ages!" ~ Angie, Maine
"This book is a wonderful allegory that reminds me of other great allegories such as Pilgrim's Progress, and The Chronicles of Narnia." ~ Julie C., Washington
"...a delightful adventure the whole family will enjoy." ~ Amy H., mother of three
"...a charming story reminiscent of A Christmas Carol or The Nutcracker...the message in this story is unmistakable, but is one that most children would do well to hear and to heed." ~ Jennifer M.
"Down the Snow Stairs is a delightful journey through "Naughty Children Land" with Kitty... My son tends to get bored with moral stories, but this one holds his attention." ~ Robyn