Story Synopsis
In this sequel to The White Seneca, Henry Cochrane, now eighteen, faces many perils as he serves as a scout for the Continental Army. General Washington is determined to do whatever it takes to stop the constant Indian attacks on the settlers and yet Henry is torn between his love for the Senecas and his loyalty to his own people. As the Army advances across New York State, Henry receives permission to travel ahead and warn his Indian friends of the coming destruction. But will he reach them in time? And what has happened to the beautiful Constance Leonard whom he had been forced to leave in captivity a year earlier?
Story Setting: The Revolutionary War in 1779-1780
Originally published in 1912; 278 pages; For Ages 12 - Adult
William W. Canfield (1854-1937), served as city editor and then editor of the Utica Observer-Dispatch of Utica, NY, for over 45 years. Prior to writing The White Seneca and its sequel, At Seneca Castle, he compiled a collection of Iroquois legends and wrote several other books.
Also by William W. Canfield:
The White Seneca
The Sign Above the Door
" immensely enjoyable tale filled with intrigue and suspense that I would highly recommend to any adventure-loving student!" ~ Brianna Tibbetts, Home School Enrichment Magazine
"Never have my children and I been so happy that there was a sequel to a book!" ~ Lisa Kjeldgaard, M.S., The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Read the full review